Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Untitled 2

The violet dim
Surround the space
Everything's freeze
With no sound

He can hear the inner sound
Deep inside in his fucking mind

Putrajaya, 9.15am

Untitled 1

It put a lot of struggle
To utter a word

How I care about you
How truly
My love is for you

Ignorance became a barrier
The elder thought he's relevant in many ways

The younger staring down
Passionately study the dull moths
laying down at the wooden plank


To regain his last night momentum
To invoke the yesterday lights
But today's light
Become its own death

Putrajaya, 9.07 am

Friday, January 23, 2015

How to rebuild a destroyed friendship?

i did not know for how long we will ended up like this
i did not know how to approach 'that friend' anymore
i did not am i to be blame or someone else
i did not know am i ashamed for asking a forgiveness again
i cannot utter even one word to that friend anymore even
i cannot stand in front of that friend
am i coward?
what can i do to confront that friend?
do we need some more times?
because, i did not know how to start all over again but i believe when i no longer be with that friend,
that kind of friend will pray for me.
i make a question, and
i did not own an answer

Lots of love, ms.blank 24 Jan 2015 Sat, 11:24 AM

Monday, September 22, 2014


Jadikan langkah kaki terakhir aku, langkah menuju jalan-Mu,
Jadikan bacaan terakhir aku, bacaan dari kitab al-Quran
Jadikan sujud terakhir aku, sujud memohon keampunan dari-Mu
Jadikan ingatan terakhir aku, ingatan rindu pada-Mu dan rasul-Mu
Jadikan kalimah terakhir aku, kalimah suci Lailahaillallah

September 21, 2014. Isnin. 10.06PM

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