Saturday, January 26, 2013



Surah favourite saya adalah surah ar-Rahman. Mungkin nama tu sama dengan nama Abah saya.

Dan sy suka surah ni kerana ada ayat pengulangan yang bermaksud,"Maka nikmat tuhan yang manakah kamu dustakan?".

Kita manusia selalu alpa dan lalai. Terkadang juga kita lari dari sifat bersyukur dan hilang rasa hamba itu. Ayat ini mampu membawa hati kita dari sentiasa bermuhasabah diri agar kita tidak jemu mensyukuri nikmat Allah.

Aku bisa berbicara
Aku bisa berjalan
Aku celik, aku bisa melihat
Aku bisa makan
Aku bisa belajar
Aku bisa berkasih sayang


Aku bisa bernafas di bumi-Mu, Ya Allah

Kita seringkali memandang enteng akan rezeki sesuap nasi sehingga lupa akan basmallah dan alhamdulillah.
Terlupa katanya...
Manusia itu ragamnya begitu.

begitu juga dgn sy.....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dr. Tariq Ramadhan

“When I pretend to be strong, no one sees my hidden tears except Allah. 

When I’m sad and need a shoulder to cry on, no one supports me but Allah. 

Pleasing a human is very difficult, pleasing Allah is the easiest. 

People sometimes punish me for mistakes I have not done, Allah ignores and excuses the ones that I did.

This is Allah, The Greatest, The Most Almighty, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful, and all praise belongs to Him.” 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

'leader are not born, leader are made'

Bismillahirahmani rahim
assalaimualaikum wbt

Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda

"Setiap seseorang itu adalah pemimpin dan setiap pemimpin bertanggungjawab di atas orang yang dipimpinnya. Seorang lelaki menjadi pemimpin kepada keluarganya dan dia bertanggungjawab ke atas mereka. Seorang isteri adalah pemimpin kepada rumah suaminya dan dia bertanggungjawab ke atasnya. Seorang hamba adalah pemimpin kepada harta tuannya dan dia bertanggungjawab ke atasnya.

(Direkodkan oleh al-Bukhari dalam buku Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, jil 1/33)

Million people born with a different background. Leader are made because of her/his own responsibility. Whoever you're..Prime Minister, Well-educated man, the genius, a chef, a farmer even a slave.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A day in Paradise

Assalaymu alaykum wbt
Bismillahirahmani rahim..

This post is closely related to the Twins of Faith on 30th Dec 2012 that was attending by me and my friend, Ola. This is the last post for the 2012. 

This slot is conducted by Sh Tawfique Chowdhury. He is the founder and chairman, Mercy Mission.

He starting his slot by asking us, "Why Allah creates us?" and so many audiences response on that question. There so many different answer given by the audience.

-To become a caliph to the earth
-To perform a solah, Hajj, sadaqa etc

But, the answer for the question is related to the title for that slot. -----> a day in paradise

okay, let make it short. I will briefly explain to you about the content of the slot on that day. Basically, a simple explanation actually.

We doing so many right things as a evidences in loving with ALLAH. Solah, Hajj, Sadaqa, Jihad, Respect to father and mother, and so many more. We doing that because we want His Jannah, the eternal place we will live forever.

Allah s.w.t wants us to go to the Jannah (Paradise). Allah s.w.t really loves us, so that's why HE wants us to be in Jannah.

The highlights on "A day in Paradise" is
1. There're so many level of paradise. Each paradise has its own gates. Distance of each gate is about 500 years.
2.  We will wearing a silk beautiful clothes; green color.
3. There's a little boy and little girl serving you a food
4. No more hijab
5. Jinn can't see us anymore, only we be able to see Jinn if we want to
6. When you see a tree and think that you want to eat some fruits, you will see fruits on that tree and the tree will bend and give you the fruits. JUST THINK.
7. Whenever you see a bird fly, JUST THINK and the bird will come to you as a BBQ if it is what you THINK. (Sheikh: Dont worry about your weight).
8. In Jannah, there's one tree called Tubaa tree (dont know how to spell it). This tree only grow for a soil of jannah (made up from saffron)
I'm not sure whether this saffron is the same saffron from dunya (the most expensive herbs)
9. There's a Jannah from golden also from silver
10. There's so many pearl and ruby decorating the whole Jannah. If the Jannah is from silver so the pearl and ruby are in silver look.
11. A tent that made up of pearl, so high so tall..About 600ft tall. Sheikh mentioned that inside that tent, you'll meet your first wife.
12. If you see or know the beauty of women in paradise (including your wife), you'll die
13. The beauty of women in Jannah; white eyes, beautiful nose, amazing lips etc
14. we always young (if not mistaken; ~30)
15. River in paradise-can sees through
16. Pregnancy in 1 hour (if that what you want to)
17. You can have as many children you want to
18. You can freeze their ages (let say, you want to freeze to the 2 years old because you want to play with your children on that age-Its possible)

Masya-Allah SubhanaAllah
 A day in paradise, after you have passed the sirat, then you'll be proceeding to which levels of paradise are you belong to.
Then, some voices called up your name, a huge door of Jannah open. There’re amazing angle waiting for you (with 2 wings, 3 wings, 10 wings, 100 wings, 3000 wings etc). There’re thousand of them waiting for you.
They give you salaam and greet you. And then, there’s lightning behind all those angles up to sky and you’ll be wondering about the lightning, where it is come from.

You asking the little boy of Jannah
and, the little boy smiled and turns away
You asking the little girl of Jannah
And, the little girl smiled and turns away

Then, the angle said to you that the lights is from the smile of your wife (angle) waiting for you.

Friday is the amazing day in Jannah.
-there’s amazing sound on that day buzz in Jannah
-there’s rain, beautiful and just like a shower room
-All the resident in all level of paradises will gathering together
-Gathering day (get to see great mujahidin, Sultan Muhammad al-fateh, Umar Al-khattab, our parent, friends, whosoever you want to meet)
-Buraq will take us to the gathering

Then, while the meeting happens, angle come and whisper to you, “Now is the time”,

The precious time

You get 1 hour with Allah. We will be able to see Allah. In one hour, you and Allah alone. Masya-Allah

During the meeting,
Allah said,”O my slave, how are you? I love how you are in dunya”.

If we’re died and place in hell, we won’t be able to see Allah ever. (At this point, sheikh starts crying…)

Nothing more beautiful by looking the face of Allah.
Before the Friday finished, we perform a solah together and going back to our own Jannah and the next gathering will be on the nx friday.

"oo..Allah, let us enter your paradise, don't deny us"

This workshop really struck into the deep inside of my heart. How we can grab His Jannah. I've committed so many sins in my life. But i dont wanna go to the hell, insha-Allah, Allah is most merciful, loving and gracious. He will take us to His Jannah if we want that so.

18 safar 1434H

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